Maria Gussago

Hi! I am Maria Gussago, I’m 22 years old and I live in a village in the province of Brescia. Four years ago I moved to Trento to study for my bachelor’s degree in International Studies, with a focus on the theme of international cooperation and deve…

Hi! I am Maria Gussago, I’m 22 years old and I live in a village in the province of Brescia. Four years ago I moved to Trento to study for my bachelor’s degree in International Studies, with a focus on the theme of international cooperation and development. There, I became involved in AIESEC (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques), a youth association present in many countries across the world with the aim of educating on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and concretely contributing to their realization by promoting international exchanges.
My interest in sustainability was further nurtured by the semester I spent studying at West Virginia University through a bilateral agreement program: I drew inspiration from that experience to write my thesis about the shale gas revolution and the changes occurred in the international energy sector panorama to the detriment of the environment and - above all - of living standards of people living upon shale basins, analysing the attendant sustainability implication.
My passion is singing: I’ve been singing since I was 7!