Qudsia Saeed

Qudsia Saeed - Global Webinars DirectorAmerican University C’24qs6934a@student.american.eduQudsia Saeed is a freshman at American University studying Sociology and Secondary Education and shares a passion for the environment, which prompted her to j…

Qudsia Saeed - Global Webinars Director

American University C’24


Qudsia Saeed is a freshman at American University studying Sociology and Secondary Education and shares a passion for the environment, which prompted her to join the ThinkOcean Social Media Team to create creative content highlighting environmental issues and intersectionalities. She is intrigued by the socio-historical aspects of environmentalism and is highlighting the interconnectedness of environmental issues as ThinkOcean’s Inaugural Webinar Series Director.

She was born and raised in Pakistan and moved to the United States at the age of 12, and having experienced environmental disparities that shape the lives of the marginalized, she developed a concern for the environment and hopes to educate those impacted by improving education curriculum to make it more environmentally conscious and accessible. She was the Vice President of her High School’s Science Olympiad Team where she started a school-wide initiative to pick up trash every week, which led to becoming more involved with Clean Club, a partner organization that shared a similar mission. She was also a Teacher Assistant for her environmental science teacher which solidified her concern for improving the environmental education curriculum.

Outside of the environmental sphere, Qudsia remains involved with her Muslim Identity by serving integral leadership roles within her Muslim Student Association and being Deputy CEO of Homoglobin, alongside being active in other non-profits like Shes The First and Asian American Civic Engagement Collaborative and Justice for Muslims Collective. She tutors for Raising a Village Foundations and AU Virtual Tutoring Corps to explore her educational interests further. Her hobbies include reading, painting, scrapbooking, sculpture, poetry, cooking, and spending time in nature.